Welcome to the Red Cedar Writing Project!

Red Cedar Writing Project (RCWP) is Michigan State University’s site of the National Writing Project. The cornerstone of the project is a four-week Summer Institute (SI) in which teachers focus on becoming more effective writers, teachers of writing, and teacher leaders. At the conclusion of the Summer Institute, teachers earn the internationally recognized credential, National Writing Project Teacher-Consultant (TC).

Each year, in addition to the Summer Institute, RCWP  offers open institutes for teachers who are not connected with the network, as well as a multitude of summer youth programs and professional development opportunities for school districts.

Red Cedar Writing Project TCs act as leaders in our site’s work through opportunities to develop in-service for their own schools and other districts, as well as state and national organizations. RCWP teachers also join one another in a variety of continuity events designed to sustain them as writers, researchers, leaders, and teachers of writing.

The National Writing Project (NWP)

For over 30 years, the National Writing Project (NWP) has championed a “teachers teaching teachers” model of professional development learning communities. During Summer Institutes (SI) at more than 200 universities in every state of the nation, teachers reshape their own identities as writers by demonstrating and interrogating best practices in approaches to writing and teaching writing. Participants engage in writing groups, identify questions they have related to teaching writing, and emerge in reading that expands their understanding of their students, contexts, and pedagogies.

Check Out: Education Population Recorded PD Session, “Make the Population Connection: Hands-on Activities for People and the Planet” 

 Check Out: RCWP Book Club!

The RCWP Book Club focused on diverse YA novels is back. We’ll have our next discussion on Tuesday, November 12th at 7 pm, when we’ll be reading/discussing The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune.

This group is open, so invite your friends and colleagues to join us. We do plan to meet the first Tuesday of each month throughout the year, skipping January. RSVP so we’ll know to send you the Zoom link!

RSVP: https://forms.gle/VUy9LZQd3juGJQ1C6 


 Check Out: Beal Garden “Write Out”!
Calling all poets, families, gardeners, and outdoor enthusiasts! Join us for a weekend “Write Out” at the Beal Gardens at MSU on Saturday, October 12th from 2 – 4 pm, complete with snacks and a book giveaway.

Inspired by this year’s Write Out theme, “Poetry for the Planet,” we’ll talk about mindfulness and writing, explore the garden, and write and share poetry in response to garden-inspired prompts.

If the weather is bad, the event will move to an alternative site in the MSU library. We’ll share any weather updates with folks who have RSVP’d and on our Facebook page. Rain or shine, we look forward to seeing you there! 

Please share this event with friends and RSVP herehttps://forms.gle/8YeBq2wiZ3pb7E1G6

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